You ever try a new recipe, and it doesn’t turn out quite right? Maybe you added too much baking soda. Or not enough vanilla extract. Or WAY too many chocolate chips. Recipes take time to perfect—and so does your practice. Just like the eggs, sugar and milk in your favorite cookie recipe, core values are the ingredients in your dental practice. You have to play around with them to find the perfect recipe.
You might not get those core values right the first time. And that’s okay! Create new core values, and see how they turn out. Remove this value, and replace that value. Tweak the wording if you need to. Like any great recipe, you have to make small adjustments as you go.
Remember to let your core values bake, too. Would you toss flour, eggs and baking soda into a mixing bowl and call that a cookie? No way! You have to put the batter in the oven. Same with core values—you have to put them into practice to see which ones work and which ones don’t.
Have you ever baked cookies before? I haven’t—until now! Watch this video to see me bake cookies for the FIRST TIME EVER. But don’t judge. It’s harder than it looks!