
Today Is The Day!!!

Written by Kirk Behrendt | Oct 25, 2023 8:48:03 AM


Let’s talk about that team member. You know, the one who always shows up late? Or the one who hasn’t been pitching in? Yes, THAT one! You’ve been meaning to talk to them for a while now. But you keep avoiding the conversation! I get it, conflict is scary. You don’t want to make things awkward by rocking the boat. At the same time, their behavior can’t continue. You HAVE to make a decision.

Ask them this: “Are you with us? Or are you out?”

They might not be living up to your practice’s core values. However, that doesn’t mean you have to let them go. Always give team members an opportunity to change. After all, you brought them onto the team for a reason. You saw something in them. If they’re willing to change, great—if not, they’re the wrong fit.

Need a little pep talk? Watch this video — it’ll motivate you to have the conversation you’ve been avoiding!