Want a fun place to work? Of course you do! That’s why you need a culture playbook.
This isn’t a handbook or a manual. Instead, a culture playbook tells the story of your practice. It outlines shared values and what makes your team special. New hires should get a copy, and for existing team members, it’s a great resource to come back to!
Every practice needs one, especially if yours is small. The smaller the team, the more important it is to have a consistent culture. If you’re a team of four, and one person isn’t following the playbook, a whole quarter of your team is out of alignment!
Here are a few things to put in your culture playbook:
Your team’s core values
A letter to new teammates
The purpose of your practice
Foundational principles
Photos of your team having fun!
No culture playbook is set in stone. They can (and should) evolve over time! Here’s another thing to remember: no matter what’s in the playbook, you’re free to be yourself. Your team can be aligned while staying true to themselves.
Never made a playbook before? Start by defining your culture. Take a peek at this blog to see how it’s done!