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Which Way Are You Paddling?

Which Way Are You Paddling?

At ACT Dental, we are all about the principles of a high performing team. So we thought “Hey! This little boating adventure is the perfect video!” Is there one person paddling against your progress? Maybe it’s time they get a little wet! This week, take a look at the culture of your team. Are you all paddling together?

One Biopsy You Should Avoid!

Practice financials/metrics Feb 09, 2015 Click for sound 1:43 Did you know, despite his fortunes, Walmart Founder Sam Walton preferred to drive an old pickup truck? He could afford the fanciest clothes, but filled out his wardrobe largely with offerings from Walmart.

How’s Your Play Doh

Leadership motivation Feb 05, 2015 Click for sound 1:10 As a kid, I LOVED Play Doh. You can make anything out of that stuff. But nothing was worse than opening the can only to discover my brother had mixed it all up and let it dry out (it was ALWAYS his fault!)

Dr. Nickname, DDS

Communication Nov 24, 2014 Click for sound 1:47 You are the greatest dental practice in town, and you know it! The problem? In a world full of fantastic dentists, your skill and expertise might not be enough.

Do WHAT You Love For WHO You Love

Motivation Aug 19, 2014 Click for sound 1:03 An unexpected, amazing thing happened while we were preparing for this video. On the day of the shoot, we had all brought in framed family photos. One by one they were popping up around the office, on desks and counters (and the ping pong table!).

Capture The Little Moments!

Capture The Little Moments!

Have you noticed that nowadays, kids “graduate” pretty much every year? By the time high school (and hopefully college!) rolls around, I’ll have a lot of practice attending graduations. There were the preschool, kindergarten, and grade school ceremonies. Junior High is coming too soon.

Make Them Pay Today

Make Them Pay Today

Dental professionals have heard it all before: “I forgot my purse!” “Bill me later.” “My dog ate my wallet.”

Can You Do This In 20 Seconds?

Can You Do This In 20 Seconds?

DING! The elevator door opens and your ideal patient walks in. You strike up a conversation and BOOM!

You’re A Dental Athlete!

Motivation Dec 02, 2013 Click for sound 1:12 Did you know Mick Jagger is 70? The guy may have a lot more lines in his face, but he’s still touring like he was in his 20s. Mick has committed to keeping himself in athletic shape to handle the rigors of performing.

3 Words To Simplify Your Life

Communication motivation Oct 13, 2013 Click for sound 1:40 It always seems to happen when I’m driving a carload of kids to the soccer field. The phone rings. “Can you help with the scouting event?” “The book fair?” “The neighborhood garage sale?”

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