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Use Collaboration and Community to Grow Your Practice

Business coach community leadership motivation Oct 27, 2021 “The truth is, nobody really prepares you for this, owning your own business. You just think it’ll be so easy.” Kirk recently shared his own entrepreneurial experience with our team, and it was very enlightening.

Why Every Dentist Needs a Mentor

Accountability business coach leadership mentor Oct 13, 2021 Graduated top of your class. Accomplished a higher than average GPA. Received a 100% score on a clinical board exam. Your crowns and fillings are flawless.

3 Ways to Take Your Dental Practice Farther

Community leadership motivation Sep 29, 2021 You’re spinning your wheels and not growing. Every team meeting, you’re rehashing the same issues over and over again with no progress. The motivation for improving your practice is lacking but desperately needed.

Episode #340 with Dr. Mark Ludlow Digital Implant Dentistry

The best practices show podcast Sep 27, 2021 Click for sound 31:52 If there's any way digital can elevate your practice, use it! Today’s guest, Dr. Mark Ludlow, is here to talk about the benefits of digital implant dentistry and its future. Kirk Behrendt and Dr. Ludlow examine the different ways using digital can help students, dentists, and their patients.

Stop Fighting the Uphill Battle

Stop Fighting the Uphill Battle: You Don't Have to be Everyone's Dentist Sep 22, 2021 My heart sank. As my patient walked out the door, I felt deflated and like a complete failure. He presented with moderate periodontal disease and was refusing the necessary treatment.

3 Questions to Help You Find Your Perfect Dental Patient

Differentiation marketing new patients webinar Sep 15, 2021 It’s Monday morning and you’re trying to get yourself energized for a full day of dentistry. Your morning huddle starts and the entire team, including you, grins from ear to ear when your office manager says “Mrs. Jones is coming in today!”

A Dentist Is A Dentist Is A Dentist

Differentiation marketing practice goals webinar Sep 01, 2021 How many practicing dentists are there in the United States currently? Do you know the most up-to-date population of America? Or for that matter, your state, your city?

The Choice That Changed My Life

The Choice that Changed My Life

Do you sometimes feel as though you are being controlled by the insurance contracts you’ve signed? The PPO nightmare plagues many dental practices nationwide. We recently interviewed an ACT Dental client who has been through the process of dropping PPOs on multiple occasions.

The 10 Million Dollar Mistake

Marketing practice financials/metrics practice goals Aug 17, 2021 How much do you work for free? Is this a question that you have ever asked yourself? If your practice is heavy in PPO participation, perhaps you should.

5 Seconds of Fear or a Lifetime of Regret

Aug 11, 2021 Have you ever done something you regret? Or maybe you didn’t take action on something you should have and regret passing up the opportunity. “I should have…” are some of the hardest words to swallow in the English language.

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