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Climb Your Way To The Top

Climb Your Way To The Top

We say it all the time at ACT, but leadership is lonely. When you’re the one at the top, you don’t always have someone to talk to, and that can get dangerous. Your thinking gets skewed when you’re working in your practice all day, and you all too often start to tell yourself an inaccurate story about how well you’re doing—like Kirk says, “80% of self-talk is negative.”

Create Your Culture

Create Your Culture

Creating a healthy culture in the workplace is crazy important. Your office should be a positive place to work, and that, in turn, creates an environment where everyone performs at their best. I recently interviewed Judy Kay Mausolf, Owner of Practice Solutions, Inc., and she spoke of the importance of communication for a healthy practice.

That's The Way We've Always Done It

Business goals growth kirk knowledge leadership mindset morning huddle Oct 18, 2022 Click for sound 1:39 Your practice is a lot like fishing. Fish in the same pond, and the fish never get any bigger. You have to visit bigger ponds to score a bigger catch.

How To Simplify Your Meetings

Accountability colors morning huddle simplify Oct 11, 2022 Click for sound 1:34 Do you know what your scorecards are saying? For me personally, if numbers aren’t color-coded, I have no clue what they mean. I’ll look at a number and think, “Is that good or bad?” A scorecard without color creates too many gray areas. And when you have gray areas, you can’t tell how your practice is performing.

Let Your Team Hire For You

Let Your Team Hire for You

Finding the right people for your practice is the key to its success. However, since COVID it’s become increasingly difficult to find good candidates to answer your ads. Some people never show up to their interviews, others decide they want to be elsewhere after going through the process, and then you have to go through the hiring process all over again.

How to Unify Through a Uniform

Community fun morning huddle swag teamwork unify Oct 04, 2022 Click for sound 1:30 Your team needs a uniform. I don’t mean scrubs—a uniform is so much more than what you wear to work.

Trust Your Team

When there’s no trust in your office, it shows. There’s conflict, it’s not an enjoyable place to work, and everyone isn’t working at their best.

How To Create Great Systems

How to Create Great Systems

How do YOU make a paper airplane? I’ve got an exercise for you and the team. Grab a sheet of paper, then fold it into a paper airplane. But it doesn’t end there! You also have to write down the step-by-step procedure for making that paper airplane.

Special Edition Webinar: The WHY Behind the Dental WINEgenist

Burnout emotions gratitude kirk knowledge mindset webinar Sep 26, 2022 Click for sound 46:15 One of the most powerful things you can ever do is harness your why. Kirk brought Katrina Sanders in and she shares her why and her experience with burnout as a clinician and a speaker. Watch our special edition webinar as Katrina tells what she's been up to and outlines her newest life chapter.

Take the Emotion out of Compensation

Leadership practice financials/metrics practice management team Sep 24, 2022 We hear it all over the country right now—there aren’t enough good hygienists because they either left the profession, didn’t come back after COVID, or they’re coming back and asking for unbelievable salaries.

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