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6 Steps For Better Financial Arrangements Betterpracticebetterlife Business

6 Steps For Better Financial Arrangements Betterpracticebetterlife Business

There’s often a lot of fear and uncertainty around asking for money, and as a result, your practice’s health suffers. You need better financial arrangements if you want to improve your cash flow, so instead of letting the fear of asking patients for money take the wheel, seize control and follow these six steps!

Get Them All-In With A Check-In

Get Them All-In With A Check-In

Having a great team is the most important factor in having a great practice, but what do you do when yours isn’t measuring up to your expectations? The idea of “quiet quitting,” or working only enough to get by, is not a new concept, but it’s one that’s increased in recent years.

Better Success Through Clarity

Better Success Through Clarity

When you have the right people in the right seats, it makes your practice something truly special. However, when the right people don’t have clarity around their positions, it’s incredibly difficult to achieve great results.

Are Your Training Systems Out Of Date?

Are Your Training Systems Out Of Date?

Imagine you just hired a new team member. They have all the skills, qualifications and experience you’re looking for. Does that mean you can leave them to do their thing? No way! All practices are different. Before they can start working, the new hire has to learn how your practice works.

Minimize Your Minimizing Language

Minimize Your Minimizing Language

We’ve all said or heard someone else say it before: “It’s just a little bleeding,” “You have a little cavity,” or “Looks like you’ve got some decay.” Sometimes it feels like this kind of language is ingrained in us, but the truth is it minimizes what we do, and we need to remove it from our vocabulary.

Stretch To Be Better

Stretch To Be Better

Your mind is like a rubber band. You gotta stretch it every day to stay limber and strong. Stretching involves going outside your comfort zone so you can learn new things. If you don’t stretch, then you won’t grow!

Keep Your Team Smart And Healthy

Keep Your Team Smart And Healthy

To have a great practice, you must first have a great team. Too much conflict and too little trust will make sure that your office isn’t a fun place to work, but when you have a smart and healthy team, it will make everything more enjoyable.

I Dropped Delta And I’m Still Too Busy

I Dropped Delta And I’m Still Too Busy

Like me, I’m sure many other dentists have been struggling under the yoke of PPOs. At the beginning of each year, we look back on the previous year and see the numbers showing exactly how much money you wrote off—all the work you did that you’ll never be paid for.

Build A Better Practice Without PPOs

Build A Better Practice Without PPOs

There’s no denying that PPOs cause headaches for a lot of practices, but when you start the transition away from them, those headaches begin to vanish. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about what it means to drop PPOs, so I recently interviewed my good friend Dr. Bill Crinzi about his journey away from PPOs to show what it looked like for him.

Identify Your Marketing DNA

Identify Your Marketing DNA

You can have a great practice with an amazing team and top-of-the-line technology, but if you don’t have the patients, you won’t get far. Marketing is crazy important, so I recently spoke with my good friend Xaña Winans, CEO and founder of Golden Proportions Marketing, about what makes dental marketing work.

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