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Win Over Patients With Perceived Value

Win Over Patients With Perceived Value

You know the value of your practice. Your patient care is incredible, your procedures are professionally done, and you have the best team you could ask for. Sadly, patients don’t care about all that stuff. Crowns and fillings are all the same to them.

How To Calculate Your Overhead In 60 Seconds

How To Calculate Your Overhead In 60 Seconds

As a small business owner, you want to have money left over every month to put in the bank. Yet, I’ll bet there have been times when you scratched your head because you were producing lots of dentistry with less money at month’s end to show for it.

Why A Coach Provides An Energy Boost

Why A Coach Provides An Energy Boost

Your practice belongs to you. You’re the one in charge, and it’s your job to lead the pack. Sounds like a lot of pressure? That’s because it is! Dentists feel obligated to energize their teams all on their own. And let me tell you, that can be a real challenge.

How To Roll Your Way To A Great Day

How To Roll Your Way To A Great Day

If you’re like most dentists, you’ve got a long to-do list. You stare at it and wonder, “How the heck am I gonna get all this done today?” The truth is, you won’t. There just aren’t enough hours in a day to do everything you want to do.

How Many Days Are You Working For Free?

How Many Days Are You Working For Free?

Unfortunately, we find that most young dentists have some assumptions about how they need to practice in order to be successful. They set up their practice to follow those assumptions, but then down the road, they find themselves working harder and harder while not making as much as they feel they should be.

Fix The Problem At The Roots

Fix The Problem At The Roots

Picture the tree growing next to your home. One day, you go outside to inspect it. You notice little diseased spots on some of the leaves. So, you trim them off. A few weeks go by, and the leaves grow back the exact same way. You can’t get rid of the problem!

Make Your Data Tell A Story

Make Your Data Tell A Story

Your practice is made of data. You need data to identify problems and find solutions. Data is really important, and it can also be really confusing. Data is like a pile of Legos. You know you’re supposed to build something with them, but you don’t know what!

4 Ways To Help Your Patients Value Your Dentistry

4 Ways To Help Your Patients Value Your Dentistry

It’s easy to get frustrated when patients don’t want to pay your fees—after all, without those fees, your hard work goes to waste and your practice cannot function. However, I worked with a team member who once told me, “Without value, there’s only price,” and that’s stuck with me.

Episode #630: Uche’s Top 10 Favorite Books Of All Time, With Dr. Uche Odiatu

Episode #630: Uche’s Top 10 Favorite Books Of All Time, With Dr. Uche Odiatu

When you read more, you know more. With more knowledge, you can help patients beyond their dental needs. To get you started on your learning journey, Kirk Behrendt brings back Dr. Uche Odiatu, one of ACT’s favorite health and wellness gurus, to share his ten favorite books that have kept his mind open, challenged, and engaged.

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