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Episode #620: The 3-Step Process In Adopting Digital Dentistry, With Dr. Daren Becker

Episode #620: The 3-Step Process In Adopting Digital Dentistry, With Dr. Daren Becker

Whether you know it or not, you’re using digital technology somewhere in your dentistry. It’s time to embrace it! To reveal how adopting digital dentistry will transform your practice, Kirk Behrendt brings back Dr. Daren Becker from the Pankey Institute to share three important steps to successfully modernize your workflow.

Old Keys Won’t Unlock New Doors

Old Keys Won’t Unlock New Doors

Imagine you’re standing in front of a door. Behind that door is everything you want—efficiency, profitability, awesome team members, patients who pay on time. You pull out your keys to unlock the door. But none of them work!

Episode #618: Less Is More: How One Dentist’s Radical Approach Transformed Her Practice! With Dr. Rachel Barone

Episode #618: Less Is More: How One Dentist’s Radical Approach Transformed Her Practice! With Dr. Rachel Barone

Changing office hours seems like a bad idea. What if it doesn’t work? What if it makes patients angry? What if production plummets with the new schedule? To help you dispel those negative thoughts, Kirk Behrendt brings in Dr. Rachel Barone, a mentor from the Global Diagnosis Education Study Club, to share how changing her hours improved her life and the life of her team and patients.

3 KPIs To Know If Your Periodontal Protocol Is Working

3 KPIs To Know If Your Periodontal Protocol Is Working

Over half of the population has some form of periodontal disease, but very few practices have periodontal protocols. What’s more, putting protocols in place doesn’t mean much if you’re not tracking three important KPIs.

Episode #617: Everything Works Until It Doesn’t, With Dr. Jim Otten

Episode #617: Everything Works Until It Doesn’t, With Dr. Jim Otten

Have you ever thought that everything should work all the time, only to be frustrated when it inevitably doesn’t? Today, Kirk Behrendt brings back Dr. Jim Otten to explain that very problem and how you can think better and enjoy your career in dentistry more.

Episode #616: A Case Against The Implant, With Dr. Bill Robbins

Episode #616: A Case Against The Implant, With Dr. Bill Robbins

More and more people have dental implants, and that number keeps growing. But is it always the best option for patients? To reveal why some implants are problematic, Kirk Behrendt brings back Dr. Bill Robbins, co-founder of the Global Diagnosis Study Club, to make a case against some of the most commonly placed implants in “younger” patients.

Why You Have To Let Your Core Values Bake

Why You Have To Let Your Core Values Bake

You ever try a new recipe, and it doesn’t turn out quite right? Maybe you added too much baking soda. Or not enough vanilla extract. Or WAY too many chocolate chips. Recipes take time to perfect—and so does your practice.

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