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Market Without Money

Market Without Money

Conventional wisdom may dictate that increasing your marketing budget will lead to better results, but I recently interviewed marketing expert Minal Sampat, RDH, and she remarked that you can have effective marketing without spending a crazy amount of money, or any at all!

Avoid being catfhished

Avoid Being Catfished

Hiring is tough. There are so few candidates, and you need someone FAST. When dentists get desperate, they’ll look at a resume and think, “Yep, that’s good enough.” Watch out—you might be getting catfished! Candidates hack the hiring process all the time.

Episode #635: What To Do When Leaders Are Out Of Alignment, With Courtney Dalton

Episode #635: What To Do When Leaders Are Out Of Alignment, With Courtney Dalton

Being conflict-free isn’t the secret to success — it’s your ability to work through conflict with your leadership team. To help you move past disagreement and misalignment, Kirk Behrendt brings back Courtney Dalton, one of ACT’s amazing coaches, with a treatment plan for getting your leaders on the same page.

Keep Your Work Battery Charged

Keep Your Work Battery Charged

How’s your work battery doing? Is it fully charged, or is it running low? Lots of things can drain your work battery—stress, gossip, increased workload, hustle culture. You might not even realize your battery is in the red. You just do what everyone else does: power through.

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