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3 Strategies to Maximize Your Efficiency with a Checklist

Building a great practice requires the use of systems in order to create efficiency in your day-to-day operations, but many leaders struggle with their implementation. However, it doesn’t have to be a complicated process, because there’s one simple system you can start using immediately: the

763: Leadership for the Restorative Dentist – Kirk Behrendt DOT Fest Exclusive

What is the number-one enemy of teeth? Sometimes, it’s the dentist! Esthetic dentistry is rising in popularity — and harming many patients. To highlight the difference between esthetic and healthcare dentistry, Kirk Behrendt brings back Dr. Christian Coachman, founder of Digital Smile Design, to explain why esthetics has its place, but shouldn't be the priority. Cosmetic dental procedures won't improve your patients’ health! To change the way you think about cosmetic and healthcare dentistry, listen to Episode 762 of The Best Practices Show!

762: Cosmetic Dentistry vs. Healthcare Dentistry – Dr. Christian Coachman

What is the number-one enemy of teeth? Sometimes, it’s the dentist! Esthetic dentistry is rising in popularity — and harming many patients. To highlight the difference between esthetic and healthcare dentistry, Kirk Behrendt brings back Dr. Christian Coachman, founder of Digital Smile Design, to explain why esthetics has its place, but shouldn't be the priority. Cosmetic dental procedures won't improve your patients’ health! To change the way you think about cosmetic and healthcare dentistry, listen to Episode 762 of The Best Practices Show!

Three Habits to Help You Go Out of Network

Working toward being 100% Out of Network? There are some habits you should adopt now. All too often we see dentists work toward going OON using the same habits and behaviors they developed while practicing as a contracted PPO provider. This doesn’t normally work very well. Why? Fee for service dental patients have no financial incentive to be your patient. They represent a true consumer and will demand a higher level of service and attention. If you are on the path to insurance independence or wanting to start this journey, work to develop the following habits before dropping your PPOs.

761: The Energy Quotient & How Many Days You Work for Free as a Dentist – Dr. Barrett Straub

You've put a ton of time, money, and effort into becoming a dentist. You deserve to make a profit! If that sounds impossible, keep listening. Kirk Behrendt brings back Dr. Barrett Straub, ACT’s CEO, to explain why working harder isn't making you more money, and how understanding the energy quotient will help you gain ultimate control over your practice. It’s time to stop working harder for less! To learn how, listen to Episode 761 of The Best Practices Show!

760: The Silent Killer of Your Profit – Dr. Barrett Straub

Collecting 95% sounds great — until you do the math. That missing five percent of your net production is a lot of money! To help you understand what's picking your pockets and how to put a stop to it, Kirk Behrendt brings back Dr. Barrett Straub, ACT’s CEO, with some strategies to eliminate the silent killer of your profit. To learn the quickest, easiest way to add cash flow back into your practice, listen to Episode 760 of The Best Practices Show!

759: Hygiene Department Power: Boosting Productivity and Profits Through Data – Miranda Beeson & Heather Crockett

Whether it’s preventing burnout, maximizing profitability, or enhancing your patients’ experience, you need data. Knowing your numbers will empower your team, and Kirk Behrendt brings back Miranda Beeson, ACT’s director of education, and Heather Crockett, one of ACT’s amazing coaches, to help you identify the data you should be tracking to elevate your practice. To learn about the metrics that matter to boost your business, listen to Episode 759 of The Best Practices Show!

Overcoming The 4 Biggest Barriers In Dentistry

Let’s face it: a trip to the dentist isn’t high on the list of things most people get excited for. But have you ever stopped to wonder why some patients are especially hesitant when it comes to scheduling something as simple as an annual check-up? There's often a tangled web of reasons behind their hesitation. Fear of the dentist, time constraints, budget woes, and even trust issues can all play a role.

758: Who Are You the Answer for as a Dentist? – Dr. Jim McKee

In dental school, you're taught to be the answer for everyone. But who are you really the answer for? To help you answer this critical question, Kirk Behrendt brings back Dr. Jim McKee, founder of Chicago Study Club, to explain why you don't need to be everyone’s dentist, and how to be selective with the patients you see. To learn how to build a sustainable practice with an ideal patient base, listen to Episode 758 of The Best Practices Show!

3 Proven Techniques for Effective Dental Team Collaboration

There’s a secret to drastically improving your patient experience, and it might surprise you: better chairside chemistry with the person working next to you! When you and your assistants are aligned, you’ll flow like a well-oiled machine, and your patients will feel it. Your workflow will become more

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