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769: 1 Tip for Team Problem Solving – Miranda Beeson

You have a million problems to solve in your business. Do you know what else you have? An amazing team that can help you. All you need to do is empower them! To help them support you in the way you need, Kirk Behrendt brings back Miranda Beeson, one of ACT’s amazing coaches, to share one tip for effectively solving problems with your team. Remember — you don't have to do it all! To fix the culture of ineffective problem-solving in your practice, listen to Episode 769 of The Best Practices Show!

768: Breaking Down the Barriers in Dentistry & Medicine – Dr. Tiffany Lamberton

Your body is interconnected. If you’ve hurt your neck, you’ve probably hurt your jaw joints. But if they go hand in hand, why don't more dentists collaborate with their medical colleagues? To break down the barriers between dentistry and medicine, Kirk Behrendt brings in Dr. Tiffany Lamberton, founder of TMD Collective, to highlight this neglected side of dentistry. Comprehensive, interdisciplinary care will only benefit your patients! To learn how to get started, listen to Episode 768 of The Best Practices Show!

Revolutionize Dental Patient Diagnosis: Peel Layers

Sometimes, patients come in with concerns that go deeper than a stubborn bit of popcorn. They might grumble about a specific treatment, express hesitation about a procedure, or simply seem withdrawn. But before you jump to conclusions about what’s bothering them, consider that the problem might lie deeper.

The 90 Day Pause

As I write, our entire ACT team is traveling here to Milwaukee for our quarterly planning meeting. Our strategic rhythm parallels the process we coach our clients through and there is a very specific reason for this rhythm. What is the 90 Day Pause? Neuroscience has indicated that businesses, and the humans that run them, get sidetracked and need to pause about every 90 days. This is intentional and very important. Without the pause, evidence shows we move farther and farther from our intended business goals. Why? Because life happens and over time it becomes more challenging to see the bigger picture while one is working day to day in the business.

767: The Dentist’s Life Management System – Dr. Christian Coachman & Dr. Konstantin Kross

Do you want a more balanced life, but don't know where to start? It’s not as complicated as you think! To help you simplify the process, Kirk Behrendt brings back Dr. Christian Coachman, founder of Digital Smile Design, and his guest, Dr. Konstantin Kross, to share the dentist’s life management system, a simple way to organize your time and energy so you can succeed in your practice and beyond. Get more out of your days, your years, and your life! To learn how, listen to Episode 767 of The Best Practices Show!

766: Retention Revolution: 1 Impactful Way to Keep Your Patients – Carlie Einarson

Is your practice a leaky bucket? Do you keep pouring water in, only to have most of it flow back out? Then it’s time to plug those holes! To help you fix your bucket, Kirk Behrendt brings back Carlie Einarson, one of ACT’s amazing coaches, with a framework to improve patient retention. Keep your schedule full, and with the right type of people! To learn how, listen to Episode 766 of The Best Practices Show!

765: Outshine Competitors, Release Your 3 Uniques – Courtney Dalton

Many dentists provide great dentistry. So, why should a patient come to you? To help you answer this important question, Kirk Behrendt brings back Courtney Dalton, one of ACT’s amazing coaches, with strategies to find three things your practice is uniquely good at. Become better at those things, and you will outshine your competition! To learn the most effective way to set yourself apart, listen to Episode 765 of The Best Practices Show!

Q-tip Trick To A Better Dental Practice

There are times when running a dental practice can feel like navigating a minefield of feedback. A patient mentions a long wait time. A colleague suggests a new approach to a procedure. Sometimes it feels like everyone's a critic! Before you put up your defenses, take a deep breath and remember to quit taking it personally (QTIP).

764: Cash Flow Kings and Queens: The Dentist’s Guide to Mastering Accounts Receivable – Ariel Juday

What is your favorite collections agency? Your answer should be, “None of them!” Sending patients to collections is not worth the hassle. Instead, you should prevent getting to this point in the first place. To help you master accounts receivable and avoid uncomfortable situations, Kirk Behrendt brings back Ariel Juday, one of ACT’s amazing coaches, with some of the best practices for managing AR. To learn how to collect the money you deserve, listen to Episode 764 of The Best Practices Show!

3 Strategies to Maximize Your Efficiency with a Checklist

Building a great practice requires the use of systems in order to create efficiency in your day-to-day operations, but many leaders struggle with their implementation. However, it doesn’t have to be a complicated process, because there’s one simple system you can start using immediately: the

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