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794: 3 Reasons Why You Need a Vacation – Ariel Juday

Rest is a requirement — not a reward! If you don't have a vacation in your schedule, you'll want to after this episode! Kirk Behrendt brings back Ariel Juday, one of ACT’s amazing coaches, to explain how taking time away from the office can improve your health and well-being. As a bonus, it will also benefit your team! When was your last, true vacation? To learn the best way to plan for your next time off, listen to Episode 794 of The Best Practices Show!

1 Impactful Way to Keep Your Patients

When there’s a hole in the schedule, it generates so much stress for the practice. However, that empty chair is more than just an empty chair—it’s negative profit for your practice. You need to keep your schedule full, and to do so, you must focus on maximizing your capacity by improving your patient

793: The Biggest Misconceptions About Centric Relation Every Dentist Needs to Know – Dr. Jim McKee

If you're intimidated by centric relation, this is the episode for you! To increase your understanding and appreciation of CR, Kirk Behrendt brings back Dr. Jim McKee, founder of Chicago Study Club, to explain what it means, why it’s misunderstood, and how learning more about it will improve your practice. To hear the myths and misconceptions debunked by one of the masters of occlusion, listen to Episode 793 of The Best Practices Show!

792: Creating a 6-Star Patient Experience in Your Practice – Adriana Booth

For patients, the dental office is a scary place. It doesn't have to be, and to help you design a six-star experience, Kirk Behrendt brings back Adriana Booth, one of ACT’s amazing coaches, to share a framework that will help you go above and beyond your patients’ expectations. Make your practice stand out to your favorite kind of people! To learn how to create a memorable experience for current and future patients, listen to Episode 792 of The Best Practices Show!

791: The Slow Dentistry Revolution: Why Dentists Are Changing the Way They Work – Dr. Christian Coachman & Dr. Miguel Stanley

Whether it’s pasta or dentistry, good things take time — and great things take even longer! To help you slow down the way you practice, Kirk Behrendt brings back Dr. Christian Coachman, founder of Digital Smile Design, along with his friend, Dr. Miguel Stanley, founder of Slow Dentistry Global Network, to explain the slow dentistry movement and how it will change dentistry for the better. Faster isn't better when it comes to dental care! To learn how to slow down for you and your patients, listen to Episode 791 of The Best Practices Show!

The Paradox of Success and the Three Steps Most Dentists Won’t Do.

The Paradox of Success suggests that the very skills, beliefs, and behaviors that brought you to your current level of achievement won’t necessarily help you maintain or grow that success. In fact, sometimes past success can even stand in the way of future progress.

790: One Word That Creates an Amazing Team – Dr. Marco Brindis

The Beatles said it best — love is all you need! But maybe you don't love the people you see four days a week. To explain how that can change, Kirk Behrendt brings back Dr. Marco Brindis, former chairman of the prosthodontics department of Louisiana State University, to share his journey to a better team culture through loving his team and his profession. To learn more about this secret ingredient to an amazing team, listen to Episode 790 of The Best Practices Show!

789: Why Most Dentists Fail at Goal-Setting and How You Can Succeed! – Miranda Beeson

We all have a hundred goals we want to achieve. But without strategic planning, setting goals is not enough — especially for your practice! To explain why your goal-setting is falling short and how to make it work, Kirk Behrendt brings in Miranda Beeson, ACT’s director of education, with tools and resources to help you set realistic targets that you can commit to and reach. Don't just dream of achieving your goals — plan how to do it! For tips on making your goals a reality, listen to Episode 789 of The Best Practices Show!

3 Easy Daily Habits To Beat Aging And Burnout In Dentistry

Dentistry isn’t a profession—it’s a sport. Think about it: how many hours a week do you spend standing, bending over and working with your hands? Those little movements add up, and over time, dentistry can take its toll on the body. If dentistry is a sport, that means you’re an athlete. Start treating yourself like one!

788: The Story Behind the Dental Heroes Podcast – Dr. Paul Etchison

Do you want to make $1 million a year or more working three days a week or less? To find out how it’s possible, keep listening! Kirk Behrendt brings in Dr. Paul Etchison, creator and host of the Dental Practice Heroes podcast, to share how he found balance between his work and home life while earning more and stressing less. To learn more about Dr. Etchison’s books, podcast, and strategies to build your dream practice, listen to Episode 788 of The Best Practices Show!

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