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733: Health Habits to Wind Down for Deep Sleep – Dr. Uche Odiatu & Loren King

Are you exhausted before the day is done? Do you wish you had more sleep? Better health, a better life — even being a better dental professional — is tied to a more restful night. To help you be your best self at home and the office, Kirk Behrendt brings back one of ACT’s favorite health and wellness gurus, Dr. Uche Odiatu, and Loren King, an international speaker, life coach, and dental hygienist, to reveal a few simple hacks and habits to start sleeping better today. To learn the foundation for better sleep, listen to Episode 733 of The Best Practices Show!

732: Empowering the Owner-Associate Synergy – Dr. Sean Bahrami

For a practice to be successful, it needs great owner-associate synergy. But how do you find the right owner or associate? To guide both sides through this process, Kirk Behrendt brings in Dr. Sean Bahrami, founder of Dental Wellness Society, to share his strategies for becoming and finding the ideal candidate. To learn the secrets to a successful owner-associate relationship, listen to Episode 732 of The Best Practices Show!

731: Turning the Numbers into Dollars: Data Mastery in Your Practice! – Dr. Barrett Straub

Do you hate tracking numbers? Are you confused about what to track and why you need to track them? To help you change that, Kirk Behrendt brings back Dr. Barrett Straub, ACT’s CEO, with another framework for mastering the key data in your practice. Start making better business decisions with the help of data! To learn which numbers to track and countermeasures to improve your profitability and culture, listen to Episode 731 of The Best Practices Show!

730: The Alliance of Independent Dentists: Why and How to Remain Independent – Dr. Christian Coachman & Dr. Jill Tanzi

Do you feel stressed from running your practice? Are you ready to give up ownership? Before you do, listen to this episode! Kirk Behrendt and Dr. Christian Coachman bring in Dr. Jill Tanzi, president of Alliance of Independent Dentists, to explain the importance of staying independent and to offer solutions for struggling dentists. If you're feeling overwhelmed, help is out there! To learn more about Dr. Tanzi’s organization and how they can support you, listen to Episode 730 of The Best Practices Show!

729: The Speakers Evaluation Chart – Dr. Christian Coachman

Whether you're taking a course or giving a course, there's a way to do it efficiently. To help you save time in becoming a better speaker or learner, Kirk Behrendt brings back Dr. Christian Coachman, founder of Digital Smile Design, to share his framework for identifying great CE and educators, and ways for speakers to improve their craft. To learn how to decide who deserves your time, listen to Episode 729 of The Best Practices Show!

728: How to Fail Hiring an Associate - Bob spiel

Most associateships — 75% of them — are doomed to fail. If you want to be part of the 25%, don't miss this episode! Kirk Behrendt brings back Bob Spiel, founder of Dentist Partner Pros, to share his expertise in building successful associate relationships, no matter what stage of your dental career. Are you ready to commit? To learn how not to fail when hiring an associate, listen to Episode 728 of The Best Practices Show!

727: 3 Metrics to Measure New Patient Success – Miranda Beeson

You want more new patients. But you don't need all of them! You need the right ones coming — and staying — in your practice. To teach you how, Kirk Behrendt brings back Miranda Beeson, ACT’s director of education and amazing coach, with three metrics to help you track the true number of new patients you have and need. New patients are your bread and butter. Get them to return and stay long term! To learn how to attract new patients and reappoint the great ones you already have, listen to Episode 727 of The Best Practices Show!

726: Mental and Physical Wellness in a Dental World: Balance is Key to Happiness – Dr. Maurice Salama & Dr. Christian Coachman

We pursue success to attain happiness. But what we truly need is balance. To teach you what it means to have balance and how to achieve it, Kirk Behrendt and Dr. Christian Coachman bring in Dr. Maurice Salama, scientific director of DentalXP, with his advice for improving and preserving your physical, mental, and emotional well-being throughout your career in dentistry. Don't trade your health for success! To learn how to prioritize your overall wellness, listen to Episode 726 of The Best Practices Show!

725: The Long-Term Value of Great Relationships in Dentistry – Dr. Bill Robbins, Dr. Jim Otten, & Dr. Gary DeWood

Without a support system, dentistry can be incredibly lonely. What you need are long-term relationships that last your entire career. But where and how do you find people to connect with? To answer that question, Kirk Behrendt brings in three of his favorite people in dentistry, Dr. Bill Robbins, Dr. Jim Otten, and Dr. Gary DeWood, with their wisdom and advice for finding the people you need in your life. Don't wait for them to come to you — seek them out! To learn about the best places where the best people gather, listen to Episode 725 of The Best Practices Show!

723: Financial Freedom VS. Financial Independence – Dr. Jim McKee

Financial independence is your ultimate goal. But it won't happen if you don't plan for it! To help you achieve financial health as early as possible in your career, Kirk Behrendt brings back Dr. Jim McKee, founder of Chicago Study Club, to share great advice that you didn't hear in dental school. To learn how to make smart investments, be debt-free, and enjoy your life, listen to Episode 723 of The Best Practices Show!

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