
858: Myo Made Simple: Integrating a Myofunctional Screener into Dental Hygiene Practice – Brittny Murphy

Written by ACT Dental Team | Mar 7, 2025 7:00:00 PM

In this episode of Clinical Edge Fridays, ACT shares their latest Master Class by Brittny Murphy, founder of CT Orofacial Myology, who explains the long-term dental, mental, and overall health benefits of introducing myofunctional screening and therapy to patients of all ages. With a quick, pain-free, and non-invasive screening, you can save valuable chair time and elevate patient care! To learn how to integrate this process into your practice, listen to Episode 858 of The Best Practices Show!

Learn More About Brittny:

More Helpful Links for a Better Practice & a Better Life:

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Main Takeaways:

  • Myofunctional therapy goes beyond dental health.
  • Learn to identify signs of airway issues and improper oral habits.
  • Educate patients on the importance of tongue posture and good oral habits.
  • Introduce the myo therapy screener as something that's easy and non-invasive.
  • Many people are not aware of their mouth-breathing and other improper oral habits.
  • Practices offering sleep dentistry should have a myofunctional therapist in their office.


0:00 Introduction.

4:26 Brittny’s background.

5:48 Objectives.

6:52 OMT, defined.

8:18 How to explain OMT to patients.

9:19 Myofunctional therapy requires compliance and self-awareness.

10:41 Goals of OMT.

13:32 The importance of nasal hygiene.

14:59 Where the tongue should be at rest.

17:34 Dental office benefits.

32:21 Myofunctional therapy goes beyond dental health.

38:14 Causes of OMDs.

40:36 What age should myo start?

41:11 Who can do myo?

41:22 Signs of dysfunction.

43:17 The sleep and myo connection.

44:32 Tongue-tie and sleep apnea.

46:48 What happens when our tongue drops and lips part?

47:39 The importance of patient education.

51:37 Q&A: What background does one need to be trained as a myofunctional therapist?

52:35 Q&A: How long does it take to see results?

53:58 Steps for effective screening.

58:38 The FAIREST 6 screening tool.

1:00:54 FAIREST scoring: Mouth-breathing.

1:02:40 FAIREST scoring: Mentalis strain.

1:03:27 FAIREST scoring: Tonsillar hypertrophy.

1:04:27 FAIREST scoring: Tongue-ties, mid-tongue restrictions, and tethered oral tissues.

1:15:22 FAIREST scoring: Dental wear.

1:16:22 FAIREST scoring: Narrow palate.

1:18:11 FAIREST scoring: Tongue scalloping.

1:18:18 FAIREST scoring: Tongue overflow.

1:18:39 FAIREST scoring: Friedman tongue position.

1:19:46 FAIREST scoring: Palatal flutter.

1:20:56 Additional observations: Swallowing.

1:21:59 Additional observations: Orally defensive.

1:22:34 Steps to introduce the myofunctional screener.

1:30:02 Example script for introducing the screener.

1:30:48 The importance of building a network.

1:31:23 Final thoughts, Brittny’s course, and how to get in touch.

1:36:00 Q&A: Should myo be done before, during, or after adult Invisalign?

1:38:10 Myo can be done virtually.

1:39:38 Q&A: A typical day in the life of a myofunctional therapist.

1:41:57 Q&A: How does OMT help desensitize the gag reflex?

1:43:23 Q&A: Do you teach the business side of myo in your course?

Brittny Murphy Bio:

Brittny Murphy, RDH, BS, COM, QOM, is a registered dental hygienist, myofunctional therapist, educator, author, and key opinion leader in sleep and myofunctional therapy. She received her degree from the Forsyth School of Dental Hygiene at MCPHS in 2011, and she is a certified orofacial myologist and Buteyko Breathing Educator.

Brittny is the founder of CT Orofacial Myology and co-founder of MyoAir, private myofunctional therapy practices aimed at improving oral and whole-body wellness, through which she has helped hundreds of patients thrive by sleeping and breathing better. She is on faculty for Airway Health Solutions, training other registered dental hygienists and healthcare professionals who share the same passion in becoming myofunctional therapists. She also serves as the co-founder of the myofunctional therapy program at Tooth Pillow, and is also the face behind the podcast, "I Spy with My Myo Eye".