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7 Proven Steps to Reduce Patient Cancellations

Why You Need This Webinar:

Transform Your Practice's Profitability by Mastering the Art of Appointment Retention

Are You Tired of Empty Chairs?

As a dental practice owner, you know that patient cancellations aren't just frustrating—they're expensive. They reduce profitability, disrupt schedules, and indicate a potential lack of commitment from your patients. If you're grappling with these issues, you're not alone. But there's good news: effective solutions are within reach.

Why Attend This Webinar?

This exclusive webinar will give you actionable strategies and insights to reduce patient cancellations drastically. By attending, you'll gain:

  • Understanding of Root Causes: Identify where cancellations start and how to tackle them at the source.
  • Actionable Data Insights: Learn how to use data and dental intel to make informed decisions.
  • Verbal Skills & Communication Strategies: Master the art of effectively communicating with different types of patients.
  • The Power of Systems: Discover how streamlining your appointment and communication systems can significantly reduce cancellations.

What You'll Learn:

  • Commitment vs. Compliance: Know why patients cancel and how to ensure they are committed from the start.
  • The Real Cost of Empty Chairs: Understand why an empty chair is actually "negative profit" and how to optimize your patient classifications.
  • Harness the Power of Systems: Learn how to use key performance indicators and automated alerts to stay ahead of cancellations.
  • Embrace the FORD Concept: Implement the Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Dreams framework to build stronger patient relationships.
  • Language & Best Practices: Fine-tune your verbal skills to communicate more effectively with patients.
  • Addressing Chronic Issues: Recognize patterns and behaviors in repeat offenders and know how to handle them tactically.
  • Cancellation Fees: Understand when and how to implement fees as a deterrent without alienating your patient base.

More Great Resources: